Thursday, October 29, 2009


My blog entry this week is on justice. The discussion of justice may be started with this quote from an insert to the ASI newsletter, “Developing policy for dealing with the subprime crisis may be viewed as a matter of justice. There are different views of justice with differences in underlying values. And, the concept of justice is complex. Yet, considering the issues as a matter of justice provides an opportunity for a comprehensive analysis that considers the conflicts of incommensurability. Fall 2008: Developing Policy for Dealing with the Subprime Crisis: A Matter of Justice

In looking at these issues it will be useful to consider the concept of consilience. Edward O. Wilson, in his book, Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge argues for the fundamental unity of all knowledge. The idea is that, "everything in our world is organized in terms of a small number of fundamental natural laws that comprise the principles underlying every branch of learning." A link that explains the idea in the form of a book review is to my notes for an ASPEC session of Books and Ideas. Notes for Consilience

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